Here is what to send to people when they are ready to sign up/order!
  1. Go to my website –
  2. Click the Become a Coach button in the middle of the screen.
  3. Fill in your information on this screen.  Business Address is just your mailing address.  At the bottom for the digital signature make sure to type the /s/ before typing your name.
  4. On the 2nd screen choose the (whatever challenge pack they’re ordering) pack.  Select your Shakeology flavor, I recommend the triple combo box so you can try 3 flavors.  Click Sign Me Up!  Fill in your payment info on the 3rd screen and submit your order!
  5. Once you complete your order, let me know so we can schedule a call with me for about a week from now to go over everything.  Your stuff will have arrived by then and we can go over the meal plan, how to make the best tastiest Shakeology, how your costs break down and their value, etc!